Saturday, April 28, 2007

The Concept and Power of Viral Marketing

Viral Marketing is an online marketing strategy that brings on Internet users to propagate your marketing messages to others through an electronic media. The basic idea behind viral marketing is to find new customers. Also known as viral advertising or word-of-mouth marketing

The basis of viral marketing lies in the distribution of product information that can be somehow incorporated into the communication between people. This marketing strategy has great impact on marketing products or services where customers are treated as distribution partners.

In Viral Marketing, each customer acts as an agent, passing information to another and this process acts like a chain in a manner similar to the spreading of viruses. It is better than any other traditional marketing technique because information is spread around the world within a limited period of time.

Nowadays, Internet is the primary choice for Viral Marketing. Internet based viral marketing, known as viral Internet marketing, has become more popular and everyone benefits from its unique features such as cost-effectiveness, easily executable the marketing campaign, fine targeting, and rapid response rate. Forum marketing, blog marketing, email marketing, article – blog marketing and online advertising campaign are the part of Viral Internet Marketing.

Viral marketing makes use of each and every strategy that encourages persons to pass on marketing messages between one another, thus developing the potential for exposure and influence of the message. With rapid multiplication of the message, it will succeed in spreading to thousands and millions all across the world.

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Thursday, April 19, 2007

How to use Robots.txt


Robots.txt is a file used to prevent robots visiting your site. The main purpose to create robots.txt to instruct crawler which pages is not to be crawled. Before a website is indexed by any search engine's crawler, the "robots.txt" is first retrieved from the website's document root. Robots.txt downloaded once in a day.

Syntax for Robots.txt:

User-agent: bot name
Disallow: /file name

Disallow: /folder*/ will block all the subdirectories begin with folder.
Disallow: /*&* will block all the url’s that include &.

If you want to block url’s by matching the end characters then you have to use $.
Disallow: /*.asp$ will block all the url’s that ends with .asp.

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Tuesday, April 17, 2007

KEI (Keyword Effectiveness Index)

KEI(Keyword Effectiveness Index) is the ratio between the popularity and competitiveness for that keyword.

Basically The KEI compares the number of searches with the competition for a keyword to pinpoint which keywords are most effective for your campaign.

It will be cleared by this Example:
Suppose the number of searches for a keyword is 500 per month and Google displays 500,000 results for that keyword. Then the ratio between the popularity and number of search results for that keyword is 500 divided by 500,000. In this case, the KEI 0.001.

If a Keyword have the higher KEI, this means that keyword is more popular and less competitive. That means if you promote this keyword than you might have better chances of getting on Top.
