Saturday, May 12, 2007

Meta Tag Optimization Tips

Meta Tags are Head Section Tags or HTML Code of a Web Page that Describes the Relevancy of your webpage content. Proper Optimized Meta Tags play an important role in website ranking in SERPS. Search Engine Checks the relevancy and stores the information of the web page on the basis of meta tags that you have mentioned in HTML. Meta Tag optimization is a part of Search Engine Optimization. Meta tag optimization includes placing of Meta tags, comment tags, alt tags, and other information within the source code of a webpage.

Meta tags contain site titles, description, keywords and key phrases and author information. Title, description, and keyword Meta tags are the primary Meta tags that are used in almost all web pages.

Title - Title tag appear each time when a search is occurred. Title tag plays an important role in a website ranking in serps. Important part of Title tag that is used to describing the web content and scoring a website for relevancy. Title tag should have your main targeted keywords or combination of those keywords. A maximum of 72 characters with spaces for Title is allowed in Google

Description - This tag comes in accompany with the title tag in Serps. Description tag should be descriptive and should contain the targeted keywords in an attractive manner. A maximum of 156 characters with spaces is allowed for description tag.

Keyword - It is used to list the exact keywords or keyword phrases that refer an individual web page. It can have maximum of 255 characters with spaces.

One should put following for proper Optimization:
1.Choose your relevant keywords.
2.Write the site's content based on these keywords.
3.Create a title tag using the same keywords.
4.Create a meta description tag as a marketing sentence, also based on these keywords.

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